Social Media & Electronic Communication Policy

The Omaha Hockey Club (OHC) recognizes that in today’s youth sports, social media and electronic communications can make sharing information simple and convenient. However, social media and electronic communications can also have a negative impact on its players, families, staff, and OHC in general. As part of our effort to provide a safe, friendly, and productive environment for all of its members, OHC has adopted the following social media and electronic communication policy:

All OHC Members shall abide by the following guidelines when using social media and engaging in electronic communications: 

  • Be positive and respectful
  • Do not post any statements or content that is negative towards or could harm any member of OHC or the OHC organization
  • Do not post any negative statements or content directed toward other hockey clubs or organizations
  • Do not post images or videos of others without their consent
  • Do not engage in any language or actions with the intent to initiate, hurt, intimidate or humiliate any player, coach, official or spectator
  • Teams that choose to live stream games with live commentators must keep all included commentary positive and a positive representation of OHC.  This includes but is not limited to comments about OHC players and coaches, opposing players and coaches, referees, and any spectators. Negative commentary will not be tolerated
  • Finally, encourage others to be positive on social media.  If you see negative content, you should direct the content to the OHC Board of Directors

This Social Media and Electronic Communications Policy applies to all board members, coaches, players and the families of players. This Social Media Policy applies to all social media content posted by board members, coaches, players and the families of players. 

Social media and Electronic Communications shall include but not be limited to SportsEngine, Crossbar, Team Snap, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, GroupMe, WhatsApp, and any blogging platform or any group messaging platform.  

All electronic communication of any kind between coach, or team staff member (or any applicable adult) and a minor participant, including use of social media, must be non-personal in nature and be for the purpose of communicating information about team activities or for team oriented motivational purposes.  A parent/guardian must be included in all communications between the coach or team staff member (or any applicable adult) and player(s). For example if a coach creates a GroupMe account for their team for the use of communication with their players, one parent/guardian must also be included for each player in the chat.

USA Hockey empowers the OHC Board of Directors through Safesport to have the authority to enforce this social media and electronic communications policy. Violations of this policy are considered zero tolerance violations. A USA Hockey or OHC participant who violates this Social Media and Electronic Communications Policy is subject to appropriate disciplinary action including but not limited to suspension, permanent suspension and/or referral to law enforcement authorities.

Players remember:

  • Your social media accounts are your brand. Think about how you are representing yourself. 
  • The internet is permanent. If you post it, someone can screenshot it and it can live forever.
  • Coaches, recruiters and even future employers check social media. Your future could be impacted by your social media posts – even years later.
  • If you would not want your family or coaches to see it, don’t post it.

Parents remember:

  • I understand that I am accountable for the actions of my child on social media.
  • I will set a good example for my child on how to appropriately use social media and electronic communications
  • I will stress to my child the importance of proper conduct on these sites and   provide parental oversight to prevent any type of cyber-bullying by my child.

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